Cut your audio and video files into multiple segments online with our web tools. Remove unwanted parts from your media and maintain the best possible quality while applying various effects such as fade-in, fade-out, speed adjustment, and volume control. You can also easily cut and delete pages from your PDF documents with just a simple click.
Freely cut and trim segments of your audio file with our online audio cutter. You can also delete parts of an audio file while applying various filters such as fade in and fade out, and adjust the speed and volume.
Get segments from your video file with our online video cutter. Cutting and trimming parts of your video file has never been easier with our online tools. In addition to cuts and trims, you can apply fade-ins and fade-outs to the video, adjust the speed while maintaining the FPS, and modify the volume. Our results maintain the high quality of the original, with equivalent Kb/s.
Delete and cut out pages from a PDF file with our online tools. Our web app allows you to easily remove pages from your PDF file. We don't tamper with your PDF document settings or other configurations; we only delete the pages you specify. You can delete as many pages as you desire, all with a single click.